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To be part of RECOVERY was an incredible experience. We met so many new friends and the memories will be ever lasting! Unfortunatly the venue closed down, but no worries, something new will take it's place, meanwhile, enjoy the pictures!
A new Sundays venue providing a social club to bring people together. Come as a group, or come by yourself. Be ready to meet and greet, network, mingle, and socialize. Bringing you the very best in House/Jungle/Trance/Hip-Hop with L.A.'s top DJ's like Groove Radio's Holly Adams, Oliver Twist from Germany and hot new uprising talent like Rebecca Sin!

Recovery's Version Of " The Last Supper " |

Great Food And Mini Kegs Right On Your Table!!! Now That Is A Recovery! |

Groove Radios Very Own Holly Adams On The Turntables |

Say Cheese Please!!! |

People Chillin And Listening ToSome Amazing Music |

Group Pic!!!! |

Chillin, Drinking, Easting, Smoking......Everyone Seems To Recover Just Fine. |

....Up To No Good At The Outside Patio! |

C H I L L I N |

Yes, you can chat and chill with your favorite DJ's here! |
Come And Check It Out, Every Sunday, It's A Family Thing!

Superstar DJ Mark Stylez @ Recovery! His set was just amazing! |

Cute! |

Recovery's Resident Alcoholics! |
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See, Mini Kegs!!! Come Early For Happy Hour Until 2.30PM |

Just Look For My Dog SAMSON Guarding The Door (No, He is Not For Sale!!!) |

Some Smart Ass Dancing With Holly Adams ;-) |

If you missed German Superstar DJ Oliver Twist, SHAME ON YOU! He Sure Will Be Back Though! |

We Are Going Now Strong Until At Least 8 PM |

The Patio is just too nice, especially after some Soju shots! |

Are These Two Cool Or What?!?!?! |
DJ Miss Julia After Several Peach Soju Pitchers... |

.......Fifteen Minutes BEFORE Recovery Opend For The Day! |

Is He Thinking Or Just Posing?!?! Hmmm, Yeah! Posing! |
S A M S O N |

The Only One Who Really Got The Recovering Part Right! |
You Know We Love Group Pics.... |

.....And The Best Part, Most Of These People Did Not Know Each Other Before That Day!!!!!! |
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